Terms of Use


Southlake Tutoring Academy Subject Tutoring Terms & Conditions

*STA reserves the right to change the theme of camp without notice.

I. Getting Started:  After you have purchased a pre-paid tutoring package, we will send you an email confirming your child’s tutoring schedule. We will do our best to make the tutoring sessions fit into your schedule as closely as possible.  Your tutor’s availability may change after a period of time, in which case STA will find a suitable replacement tutor.

i. Student Profile: Your Student Profile through Tutor Panel will be completed and sent to you as soon as possible - usually within ten business days. We will e-mail this to you as soon as it is completed.

ii. Customer Accounts:  All pre-paid packages can be paid by check, credit card, or online through Paypal. Monthly payments can be paid by cash, check, credit card, through Paypal on your Tutor Panel account, or an automatic bank draft.


II. Payment Policy:

i. Deposits and Tuition: All deposit and tuition (monthly tuition fee, tutoring package) that are purchased are non-refundable unless suitable replacement is attained by the customer.

ii. Account Credit:  All purchased services are non-refundable. Account credit can be used between any services that STA provides. STA reserves the right to refuse any services and/or terminate the customer’s contract for reasons involving misconduct arising from refusing to follow STA policy. Should problems escalate to the level of termination, the customer is not entitled to any refund.

iii. Refunds: STA holds a strict no refund policy on all purchases.

iv. After School & Summer Programs Payment Options: There are two payment options:

Weekly Payments must be received in full by every Monday.

Monthly Payments are welcome based on school calendar and will be due on the first of each month.

Parents paying on a monthly basis are encouraged to sign up for the STA Auto-Draft feature.  We will draft your account on each Monday before the specific week starts. Please fill out the Auto-Draft Authorization Form at the front desk.  All returned checks will incur a $50 processing fee.   Any credit card draft payments returned with non-sufficient funds will incur $20 processing fee.

Any cancellation of the Auto-Draft Authorization needs to be done in written at least one week in advance to info@southlaketutoringacademy.com. Your account will be charged automatically each week without notice.

All withdrawals and/or refund requests must be done in writing at least 2 weeks in advance

· All deposits are non-refundable, unless program is cancelled by STA.


· Only one week of vacation can be granted each semester for students who are enrolled into the program for the whole school year

· Registration cancellations must be made 2 weeks in advance.

· Cancellations less than two weeks in advance will be charged a 20% processing charge in addition to the non-refundable deposit.

All cancellations must be submitted in writing.


III. Session Policy

i. Cancelled Sessions:  If you must cancel/reschedule a session, we ask that you provide at least 24 hour notice to your tutor, otherwise your account will be debited for one hour of tutoring. One week prior notice must be given in writing if a break in tutoring is needed for vacation, family leave or other types of short term breaks. Your account will be put on hold for no longer than 30 days at one time.

ii. Supervision:  A parent or responsible adult must always be present at the time of the tutoring sessions. However, parents are not allowed to enter into the tutoring area or classroom unless directed by the center staff or tutor’s request.  This is to ensure that students’ learning is not disrupted and/or the lesson is not cut short.  

iii. Tardy policy: If the student is tardy, STA tutors are under no obligation to extend the lesson to make up for the missed time.  However, if the tutor arrives late to the tutoring session, then it is mandatory that the tutor extends class in order to make up for the missed time.


IV. Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct states that STA to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all of our members and guests. To ensure safety and comfort for all, we ask individuals to act appropriately while they are in our facility or participating in a STA program. We expect persons using STA to behave in a mature and responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of others.

Our code of conduct does not permit language or action that can hurt or frighten another person or that falls below a generally accepted standard of conduct. Specifically this includes:

§       Angry or vulgar language including swearing, name calling, and shouting;

§       Physical contact with another person in an angry or threatening way;

§       Any demonstration of sexual activity or sexual contact with another person;

§       Harassment or intimidation with words, gestures, body language or other menacing behavior;

§       Behavior which intends to or results in the theft or destruction of property;

§       Carrying or concealing any weapons or devices that may be used as weapons.

Members are responsible for their own personal comfort and safety and should ask any person whose behavior threatens their personal comfort to refrain. Staff are trained and expected to respond to any reported violation of our code of conduct. Please do not hesitate to notify a staff person if you need assistance. We want to help! STA Management will investigate all reported incidents. Dismissal from a program or termination of STA Membership privileges may result from any violation of the code of conduct. No refunds will be given.


VI. Disabilities

In order for STA to provide the best afterschool experience for your child, we ask that prior to registration, you consult with the STA director regarding any special needs of your child. Due to the fact that there are some medical treatments and procedures that legally STA staff is not trained nor qualified to perform, children will be enrolled on an individual basis. We will make every attempt to serve all children.


VII. Discipline Policy

If your child needs to be disciplined acceptable measures may include; stern verbal warnings, time-out from activity, removal from activity and placed with staff away from group, suspension from STA. Behavioral Guidance in order to promote your child’s physical intellectual, emotional, and social well being and growth, staff shall interact with the child and one another to provide needed help, comfort, and support and:

§       Respect personal privacy

§       Respect differences in cultural, ethnic, and family backgrounds

§       Encourage decision making abilities

§       Promote ways of getting along

§       Encourage independence and self-direction

§       Use consistency in applying expectations

Behavioral guidance will be constructive in nature, age and stage appropriate, and will be intended to redirect children to appropriate behavior and resolve conflicts. Parents will be notified when persistent behavioral problems are identified and will include any disciplinary steps taken in response.


VIII. Expectations

Good behavior will be encouraged in a positive manner. Before the first day of starting with STA, you and your child are required to read through and sign the “Parent Handbook” to confirm the receipt of the rules and policies, found in your registration packet. This way you will both be aware of the rules and consequences. The staff will work cooperatively with parents, keeping them informed of behavior problems and methods used to teach and guide them toward socially acceptable behavior. Behavior problems that cannot be resolved cooperatively will result in your child’s dismissal from STA Program. Certain abusive behaviors will result in immediate dismissal.

If your child has been receiving assistance in behavior management during the school year, it is imperative that this information be shared with the STA staff. This will enable us to work more effectively and productively with your child.


IX. Enrollment

NO child will be accepted into the program unless the balance has been paid in full each week.

NO child will be able to register without all the required paperwork filled out and submitted to STA.

STA reserves the right to remove a child from any program due to behavioral or other concerns. In the event that this may occur there will be no refund given. Every attempt will be made to work with children and their families through conferences and direct communication.

· Talk to your child about the importance of telling you if someone does or says something that makes them feel uncomfortable. Emphasize that adults should not ask them to keep secrets from you.

· Explain to your child that s/he has a basic right to privacy and that no one should touch them inappropriately or compel them to touch someone else inappropriately.

· Instruct your child to always remain part of the group. Stress safety in numbers.

· Be concerned if your child suddenly becomes withdrawn or balks at attending certain activities or being around a particular person. Gently seek to find out why.

· Report any actions by STA staff or volunteers that you deem to be inappropriate



If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to address them with the STA director at 682-477-4089.


We look forward to a happy and safe school year and summer with your child!